Preppers...Described by most as crazy people. I am here to tell you that we most certainly aren't. Just like in every social setting there are going to be some weirdos, but those people do not make up the majority of the Prepping Community. People that "prep" are doing so to make sure that they and their families are taken care of in a worst case scenario. If you would poll the prepping community at large and ask them the question, "Why are you preparing?" The answer you get won't be the same with everyone. Prepping is as individual as the person doing it, but there are basics that we all pretty much follow: Beans, Bullets, and Band-Aids. Food. Security. Medicine.
I lived most of my life "asleep". I was clueless to what was going on around me. I never watched the news or really had interest in reading it. I was fine going on about my life planning as if I'd likely die of old age. I had about a 3 day or less supply of food in my home, no gun, no ammo, and not a clue how to even start a fire. I haven't been prepping that long, but the only word that could describe me when I started was; Overwhelmed. It almost seemed impossible, to get what I thought would be a worthy supply of food for me and my family. Things going on in the world seemed so bad that I almost gave up before I even began, but I am glad that I held out and stayed determined. I have more security now and a sense of peace about how me and my family will fare, that I'd of paid triple what I've spent (which isn't very much) to feel the way I do now. I absolutely do NOT regret my eyes being opened and the people that I have come to know and those that have helped me thus far on my journey have been some of the nicest and most down to earth people I've ever spoken to.
Prepping - What it isn't.
Prepping is not hoarding. The difference in Preppers and Hoarders is this: We use what we prep and store. We have a justifiable need for it, and we don't leave it cluttering up our houses, taking over every inch of space that we live in. We may have preps in every room of the house, but we're not tripping over them to get to the bathroom.
Prepping is not paranoia. Preppers aren't paranoid, we're passionate. Contrary to popular belief, we actually hope we never have to use our preps, because we don't want to go through a disaster. We don't want the world to end, we don't want civil unrest, and we do not want to live without creature comforts. We actually like having running water, and a flushing toilet. We love hot showers, and we like living in a world where chaos isn't king.
Prepping is not crazy. Being unprepared is crazy. Seeing the world in the shape it is today and not making yourself ready is crazy. Running to the store for a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread THE DAY the snow storm hits, or the storm takes out the electricity, is crazy. Why wait for crap to hit the fan? Why not just prepare now when life is normal...well as normal as normal really is anyway.
Prepping is not new. Our grandparents and their parents and their parent's parents, prepped. It was just called something way different, and it wasn't frowned upon. You were weird if you didn't do it back then. Keeping a garden with veggies, raising your own chickens, it wasn't that long ago that everyone did it, and it was widely accepted. My grandmother went through the Great Depression. She kept everything she could, rarely throwing anything away. She kept a garden, canned veggies and fruit and meat. Made home made jam and jellies. Knew how to make bread from scratch, could cook on an open fire. There were more cast iron skillets in that woman's house than in some antique shop. She was a prepper, but back then it was just how things were done.
Prepping - What it is.
Prepping is necessary. Something will eventually happen to you or a loved one that will make you wish you had prepared if you didn't. Whether you or your partner lose your job(s). The cost of food gets higher. Your electricity goes out and stays out for days because of a storm. Your water gets shut off because of a pipeline busting open. You are snowed in for weeks at a time. You name it. There's a million reasons to prep, even if it's just "I would like to not run out of <insert item here> anytime soon."
Prepping is smart. People that prepare for the worst before it hits have the sense of peace that comes with knowing that you will be okay. Or at least as okay as you can be for the situations you are preparing for. Not making a mad dash to the grocery store the day the weather guy says a big storm is coming is really nice. If you like to get your kicks by laughing at people, drive by the grocery stores and gas stations during the time that people normally get off work on a day that weather is going to be bad, and see what a mad house it is. You'll thank yourself for not having to pop a Xanax to deal with the people who are fighting over a gallon of milk.
Prepping can save you money in the long run. Lets say that your local grocery store is running a special on veggies, or fruit, or meat. Normally you'd have to worry about freezer space if you were about to go out and buy 10 pounds of meat for 10 bucks. Any of you reading this knows that at this day and age paying $1.00/lb for any meat is super cheap and there's no reason you shouldn't take advantage of it. If you are a prepper, you don't really rely on your fridge or freezer for long term food storage. If you have a way to pressure can meat, pork, or poultry, you can take advantage of this sale without wasting space in your freezer. Canned chicken as an example is easy to do - if you follow instructions and it's got a 1-2 year shelf life. Think about how long 10 lbs of chicken would last you, and how much money you save. This is just 1 example out of many. Food storage can save you tons of money in the long run, if you do it right.
Prepping can get expensive if you don't pace yourself. Just as it can save you money in the long run, if you ran out and bought everything you'd need for 1 year, today, you'd spend a ton of money. Not very financially sound, unless you just have a ton of money to blow and price is no option. If that's your situation, I'm incredibly jealous but happy for you! Knock yourself out and buy thousands in food.
Prepping - Why You Should Do It.
In one simple phrase, Peace of Mind.
Knowing that in the event of a catastrophe, personal or world wide, that you and your family are taken care of... you can not put a price tag on that. Knowing that if you do it right it could save you money in the long run...who couldn't use a few extra bucks these days?
People need to wake up. The world isn't getting any better. There are more people today without jobs than there has ever been. The average household income is incredibly low. The dollar isn't even worth a dollar and hasn't been for a very long time. The national debt is climbing at an alarming rate. We are on the brink of yet another war, and who knows when war will eventually hit America. Earthquakes, Sinkholes, an unstable economy. I could be here for hours listing everything going on, and scream at you to wake up and start at least putting back some extra food and water, but all you need to do is read news that's not from the mainstream media. It will give you every bit of proof you need to prepare.
Will people think you're crazy? Probably. The one's who matter will think you're smart. Being prepared is a growing trend, and just about everybody I know has at least heard of prepping, even the ones who do not prep. Who cares what people think of you. When they go through their own personal SHTF, they'll figure out really quick that you weren't nuts. The look on their face when they ask you for help, will be all the "I'm sorry" you'll need. They might not say it, but you won't need them to. In the end all you have to do is ask yourself this - If all the food trucks that deliver to the groceries stopped running tomorrow, how long would it take me to go hungry? If the answer is anything less than 1're going to be in trouble. Start now. Don't wait.
You'd rather be prepared and nothing happen, than something happen and not be prepared.
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